Life Jackets can save your life!

There were 95 maritime deaths in the last five years which might have been prevented if those involved had been wearing a lifejacket or buoyancy aid. These figures were collated following the annual meeting of the Casualty Review Panel in March.
The panel looked at fatal maritime incidents for 2011 and, where there was sufficient information, assessed whether it was probable, possible or unlikely that the person involved could have been saved had they been wearing a life jacket or

Inflatable Life Jacket Myths

Inflatable Life Jackets have been around the market for over 25 years. But within this period of time, there are still quite a few misperceptions about how these life saving devices work.

Myth 1: Inflatable life jackets are too expensive.

The prices of LALIZAS inflatable life jackets approximately go around between €60 and €80. Sometimes, even these prices are considered expensive too, but you must take under serious consideration that when the bad moment actually occurs, a...

Sponsoring the supporters of sea sports & activities

LALIZAS being an irreversible sponsor of those who support every sea activity, contributed the events by offering special maritime gifts to the following nautical and sailing clubs:

  • Patra Sailing Club
  • N. Epidavros Sailin...