2016-06-14 | LALIZAS sponsors the HELLENIC RESCUE TEAM

LALIZAS company continues the long term cooperation with the Hellenic Rescue Team by providing a sponsorship and a generous donation of rescue equipment.

Specifically, having the manufacturing and distribution ability of over 10.000 products of marine accessories and safety equipment, LALIZAS donated  valuable equipment for the new rescue boat "NORWAY II", allowing it to respond effectively to any emergency at sea.

The equipment donated includes among others, lifeboats, life jackets, ropes, aquascopes, compasses and other necessary supplies for the proper functioning of a rescue boat.

LALIZAS's sponsorship arose following a request by the Hellenic Rescue Team for supporting the work of refugee rescuing and in particular for rescue operations in the East Aegean region, in which HRT's volunteers have been involved with since the beginning of the refugee crisis.

The large number of incidents, to which the members of HRT were invited to assist, resulted in the increase of the organization's needs on Lesvos, Samos, Kos and Chios areas, and many of the operations were supported through sponsorships and donations by companies and individuals.